0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jis Dine Da Main Dar Tendy Ty, Sajda Sahi Wanj Keeta Hoo Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jis Dine Da Main Dar Tendy Ty, Sajda Sahi Wanj Keeta Hoo Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.56K 0
0 Jo Paakee Bin Paak Maahee De, So Paakee Jaan Paleetee Hoo Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jo Paakee Bin Paak Maahee De, So Paakee Jaan Paleetee Hoo Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.49K 0
1 Jo Dam Ghafil So Dam Kafir Saano Murshad Aeh Parhaya Hoo (60/201) Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jo Dam Ghafil So Dam Kafir Saano Murshad Aeh Parhaya Hoo Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.65K 0
0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jithay Rati Ishq Wikaway Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jithay Rati Ishq Wikaway Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.45K 0
0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jungle Dey Wich Shair Marela , Baaz Poway Wich Ghar Dey Hoo Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jungle Dey Wich Shair Marela,Baaz Poway Wich Ghar Dey Hoo Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.62K 0
1 Kalam e Bahoo | Jinah Ishq haqeeqi Paya Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jinah Ishq haqeeqi Paya Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 6.02K 0
0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jeyunde Ki Janan Saar Moyaan De, So Janee Jo Marda Hoo Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jeyunde Ki Janan Saar Moyaan De, So Janee Jo Marda Hoo Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.32K 0
0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jeyunde Mar Rahna Hove | (65/201) Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jeyunde Mar Rahna Hove Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.31K 0
2 Kalam e Bahoo | Je Rab Nahateya Dhoteya Milda (66/201) Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Je Rab Nahateya Dhoteya Milda Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.99K 0
0 Kalam e Bahoo | Jinaah Sho Alif Thee Paaya | (67/201) Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Jinaah Sho Alif Thee Paaya Spread the love Sultan ul Ashiqeen October 6, 2018 5.29K 0