AUTO NEXT +2-1 PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Kalam e Bahoo | Jal Jalende Jangal Bhuandiyan | (71/201) Jaan Taaeen Khudee Karen Khud Nafson | (70/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Jad Daa Murshid Qassa Dita | (69/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Je Kar Deen Ilam Wich Honda | (68/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Jinaah Sho Alif Thee Paaya | (67/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Je Rab Nahateya Dhoteya Milda (66/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Jeyunde Mar Rahna Hove | (65/201) Kalam e Bahoo | Jeyunde Ki Janan Saar Moyaan De, So Janee Jo Marda Hoo Kalam e Bahoo | Jinah Ishq haqeeqi Paya Kalam e Bahoo | Jungle Dey Wich Shair Marela , Baaz Poway Wich Ghar Dey Hoo Kalam e Bahoo | Je Rab Nahateya Dhoteya Milda (66/201) 66.7% 5.99K Views 2 Likes October 6, 2018 Kalam e Bahoo / Abyat e BahooRamzan Bahoo 0 Comments Screenshots Kalam-e-Bahoo/Abyat-e-Bahoo Je Rab Nahateya Dhoteya Milda 66/201 Voice: Ramzan Bahoo Presented By: Tehreek Dawat e Faqr Address: Tehreek Dawat e Faqr,4-5/A Extention Education Town Wahdat Road Lahore,Pakistan Postal Code 54790 Phone:+9242 35436600 Mobile:+923224722766 Mobile:+923214507000 (Available on Whatsapp, Viber and IMO ) Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0](Visited 5,990 times, 1 visits today) Post Views: 4,482 Spread the love Show more PREV Kalam e Bahoo | Jinaah Sho Alif Thee Paaya | (67/201) October 6, 2018 NEXT Kalam e Bahoo | Jeyunde Mar Rahna Hove | (65/201) October 6, 2018 You might be interested in 0 Dard Mandaan Da khoon Jo Peenda (86/201) October 6, 2018 0 Murshid Makkah Te Talib Haji October 6, 2018 0 Eh Tan Rabb Sach e Da Hujra Dil Khirreya October 6, 2018 0 Paak Paleet Na Honday Hargiz, Toray Rahnday Vich Paleeti Hoo October 6, 2018 0 Khaam Kee Jaanan Saar Faqr Dee Jahre Maihram Naaheen Dil De Hoo October 6, 2018 0 Murshid Hadi Sabaq Parhaya October 6, 2018 0 Seeft Sanayeen Mool Na Parhde October 6, 2018 0 Mein Koje Mera Dilbar Sohna October 6, 2018 0 Jis Alif Mutalia Kita October 6, 2018 Post A Comment For The Creator: Sultan ul Ashiqeen Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *